
Free relational database airtable filemaker
Free relational database airtable filemaker

Oh wait, I need a column to mark off when I send an email to the person I interviewed. So that meant columns we’d put X’s in to show when we’d each Tweeted, Facebooked, Google Plus’d the content. You may have noticed that we spam everyone when we post a video.

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Then he added a column so he could note when he’d posted the video. He always puts in the description of the videos where the interview took place, so he added columns for the event and the venue. Then Steve added some columns for him to keep track of the order in which they’d been recorded, and the order in which he would produce them, which is often not the same. But then we noticed sometimes we’d also get the card for the marketing person. Name of the product we talked about, name of their company, interviewee’s name and email and the website for the company. For every interview, I put in the essential information from the person’s business card. A few years ago I started putting the information into a Google Spreadsheet so it was easy to share. When we go to a conference and record video interviews, we have to keep track of a lot of information. After Steve and I went to CSUN, I thought I might have a very simple problem it might solve. I was determined to figure it out though. While Don taught the mechanics of Airtable, I still didn’t “get” the purpose of a database. Don’s tutorials got me really excited about using Airtable, but for the life of me I couldn’t figure out what problem it could solve for me. While they have Plus, Pro, and Enterprise pricing, Airtable is really capable for the home user for free. On ScreenCasts Online episodes 546 and 548, Don McAllister introduced a database application for the Mac, iOS, Windows, and Android called Airtable from /….Īirtable is under the freemium model. I haven’t ever grokked them because I never had access to a database program or found a problem they might solve. I can explain what they are and why they’re not like spreadsheets, but only at a very surface level. But I’ve never really understood databases.

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Pivot tables, complex equations, they all make my heart go pitter-pat. You know I’m a huge fan of Excel and all things spreadsheets.

Free relational database airtable filemaker